
Friday, November 8, 2013

Sometimes life can be frustrating no doubt. It's like for you every day you are starting a new page yet everyday you fail and have to start again. I don't know whose number I am dialing here but this is the same thing I go through each day. Sometimes I feel like giving up but THE WORD OH THE WORD that is sweeter than honey and more precious than gold keeps me going. Great men like the Wright Brothers and Winston Churchill NEVER thought of giving up despite the many failures they had. Through the influence of their parents they had The Word hidden not just in mind but in their hearts. This Word taught them to persist to the end no matter what. Dear friend what is that difficulty that is making you lose your breath? God is saying to you that "LET YOUR HEART BE STEADFAST IN ME AND HAVE NO FEAR OF THE FUTURE. FOR I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS." Eat this word, digest it and like a ruminant regurgitate it anytime you feel like giving up. The Fathers of old have made it and so will you only if you FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS AND NEVER give up!

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